Rwanda Link

In 1995 David Dale began correspondence with  the pastor of Nyarugenge, Rev Manasse Mugasa, father of Rev John Wesley Kabango who was the Director of the Rural Development Service.  75% of the parish at that time were widows and orphans following the genocide of 1994.  Manasse lost 3 sons during the war.

In 1999 David Dale visited Nyarugenge and the pastor was Rev Rosemary NYIRANDAKIZE and her husband Archdeacon Asa MUHAWENIMANA  Pictured below in 1999 from the left, Rev Manasse, Rev Rosemary and in the red suit her husband Rev Asa.  Nyarugenge has joined with St John's in a partnership link from before the genocide and war of 1994.  It was originally set up by Bishop Onesphore RWAJE who is currently the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda.  

Pastor Rosemary Nyarugenge 1999

Since March 1999 David Dale has visited Nyarugenge every year and was until 2010 Commissary to Bishop Jered Kalimba, of Shyogwe Diocese  

There have been 8 Pastors since Pastor Rosemary and the current Pastor is Archdeacon Josias Ndahayo who was appointed in 2022.

  On the 2nd January Bishop Jered consecrated the renovated church building, renaming it “Saint Joseph Nyarugenge”, bade farewell to the retiring pastor, Augustin Munyakazi, and installed the new Archdeacon and parish priest, Josias Ndahayo.                        

Our contact in Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda, Marcel, reports that Bishop Jered was visiting our link parish of Nyarugenge on Sunday 30th June. He would have met with the elders, including Marcel's 65-year-old mother. Our prayers are requested for                                    1. The success of the Mothers Union income-generating projects of a bakery unit and tailoring workshop;                                                          2. The Diocesan endeavours to train lay people in children and youth ministries; and                                                                                       3. The opening of schools in September so that parents have the means to provide for their children's education.