Pews News

28th July 2024

Ninth Sunday after Trinity 

Morning Worship

 Carol Lee

  St Mary,s

                     Pam Goddard                 

2 Kings 4, 42 - 44

Ephesians 2. 11 - 22

Mark 6. 30 - 34, 53 - 56

Praying for the diocese of Derry and Raphoe, Ireland; Leeds; the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania; the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Praying for Bury Road, Cork Lane, The Gulls and Shorefield.

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.                                                                     Jn 6.11

10.30 Pop-in:

Held in the Church Hall every Thursday 10.30 am to 12.00 noon for anyone to pop in for a drink and a chat. Proceeds to charity. Everyone is welcome! 

Thursday 1st August 2024 

9.00 am Holy Communion

Praying for the diocese of Hong Kong Island. 

Praying for Trinity Court, Pebble Court, Shell Court and Tidesway. 


Church Opening 

St Johns is open daily for private prayer . 

Dates for your diary

Sunday 28th July  Morning Worship.                

Nyarugenge News
Our contact in Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda, Marcel, reports that Bishop Jered was visiting our link parish of Nyarugenge on Sunday 30th June. He would have met with the elders, including Marcel's 65-year-old mother. Our prayers are requested for                       1. The success of the Mothers Union income-generating projects of a bakery unit and tailoring workshop;                                                                                                             2. The Diocesan endeavours to train lay people in children and youth ministries; and         3. The opening of schools in September so that parents have the means to provide for their children's education.

Waterside Foodbank Appeal
The usual shopping items are always needed. Thank you so much for anything you feel you can give, to share our goodwill and God’s love.

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Celebrants and Licensed Lay Ministers who are leading our services during the interregnum.

Our Church Warden Rosemary and Ann 
and all members of our PCC.

Our friends and all Christians in Rwanda, especially  Bishop Jered and  Archdeacon Josias Ndahayo in Nyarugenge. 

For those who are sick or in need of prayer and all those worried about loved ones.

Our prayers and condolences in their bereavement go to the families and friends of all those who have died.

Give thanks for answered prayer.

The Crossings.

The children & young people in Naomi House and Jack's Place, on Piam Brown Ward,  the Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Unit and the staff and patients of Priory Hospital, Oakhaven Hospice, and all local hospitals, nursing and care homes.

Also for the staff and patients of Southfield, Bluebird and Antelope Houses.